Robert Malone Responds to Trolls

Robert Malone Responds to Trolls by Robert W Malone MD, MSĀ for Who Is Robert Malone – SubStack

Hopefully this will be my last substack editorial on this topic. I am sending this out so that it can readily be used by any supporters (and myself) to address the concern trollery regarding my background, which has long been on a slow burn but seems to have become rampant lately. Mr. Clay Clark is also kindly circulating a similar video clip from this interview, in hopes that this will help quell the ongoing fragging. I thank him for this gift of his time and resources.

I think that we can all agree that circular firing squads involving unfounded or poorly researched accusations play right into the agenda of our opponents.

Just to recap, for those few that donā€™t already know. I have been continuously attacked by fact checkers for the last two years about my role in the mRNA vaccine inventions. They all claim that I did not invent the core mRNA vaccine technology, which includes the first proof of principle experiments (actually vaccinating mice and showing they generated an immune response). This despite mountains of evidence that I did. They have completely wiped away my scientific achievements and rewritten my history, which is not the first time in my life that this has happened.

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They did this, because if they can take away my legitimacy, they can take away the impact of my speaking out, and in this way prevent people from listening to or reading my words.

These ā€œfact checkersā€ include Facebook, logically AI, Linked-in, Reuters, Polyner, WP, etc- the list goes on and on. All of these refuse to cite my nine issued patents -instead they claim that I worked on mRNA transfection back in the day, but that is it… My Wiki page has been edited to defame me by using the many, many major hit pieces put out by The Atlantic Monthly, Rolling Stone, Business Insider, The Washington Post (who called me a liar for saying that the mRNA vaccines do not prevent infection, replication and spread of Omicron strains), The New York Times, The Scientist (and even my hometown paper the Santa Barbara News Press), to just name some of these.

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